

Indigenous Cannabis

www.redrootstrading.ca is an online Algonquin business located on the unceded lands of the Algonquin people in Kitigan Zibi. All of our products are Indigenous made and lab-tested to ensure their quality and safety.

Exercising our Inherent Rights

Red Roots Trading Company. is a medicinal cannabis dispensary owned and operated by members of the Kitigan Zibi Algonquin-Anishinabeg nation at 196 Beechwood Ave, in Vanier, Ottawa. The members of the nation have the constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty right to trade medicinal cannabis products on their unceded lands.

16% of net sales are reinvested into the nation through a clan based decision making structure. This money is used to support traditional clan governance, fund language and culture projects within the nation, provide financial assistance to those in need, and for such other purposes as is deemed necessary by the clan family.

Health and Safety

All of our products are Indigenous made and tested to ensure their quality and safety by an accredited third party lab. We follow the community safety standards of the North Shore Anishinabek Cannabis Association.

Learn more about Indigenous cannabis and our rights

Watch our collection of videos about Medicine Wheel Natural Healing and Aboriginal and treaty rights featuring former National Chief Delbert Riley.


Red Roots Trading Company.