Lemon Meringue, also known as "Lemon Mirengue," is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain created by crossing Lemon Skunk and Cookies ‘N Cream. It boasts a deliciously lemony flavor with creamy undertones. This strain offers a focused and long-lasting high, perfect for enhancing creativity and productivity. However, be prepared for a sedative comedown that often leads to sleep. With THC levels averaging between 18-22%, Lemon Meringue is popular for treating various conditions such as chronic fatigue, depression, stress, insomnia, chronic pain, headaches, and migraines. Its buds are characterized by minty green coloration, yellow-orange hairs, and a thick layer of golden white trichomes. The aroma is earthy and spicy, with a sweet lemony overtone. If you're seeking a strain that balances a potent high with delightful flavors, Lemon Meringue is an excellent choice.
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