Medicine Wheel Natural Healing: Nurturing the Heart of Kitigan Zibi


At Medicine Wheel Natural Healing, we have a deep-rooted connection to the indigenous community of Kitigan Zibi, as our founder and owner hails from this very community. Our mission has always been to give back to this cherished community that holds a special place in our hearts. In this blog post, we’ll share the heartwarming details of our recent visit to Kitigan Zibi and how we’re working to make a positive impact in the lives of its residents.


A Community of Giving Back:

Medicine Wheel Natural Healing is proud to call Kitigan Zibi its home. Our owner’s personal connection to this community has inspired us to give back in meaningful ways. On October 29th, our dedicated team had the privilege of bringing smiles to the faces of children living on the reservation by distributing 300 pumpkins for Halloween carving. We also enrolled 70 children for brand new winter coats, which will be donated to families on December 15th.


Spreading Halloween Joy:

Halloween is a special time for kids, full of excitement and creativity. Our team wanted to ensure that the children of Kitigan Zibi had the opportunity to enjoy this holiday to the fullest. We distributed 300 pumpkins, providing them with the canvas to carve their very own Halloween masterpieces. The joy and enthusiasm radiating from the young faces were truly heartwarming, reminding us of the importance of community support and togetherness.


A Warm Winter Ahead:

The chilly Canadian winters can be particularly harsh, and every child deserves to have a warm and snug coat to protect them from the cold. Medicine Wheel Natural Healing is committed to ensuring the children of Kitigan Zibi have the warmth and protection they need. We’ve enrolled 70 children for brand new winter coats, which will be provided to families on December 15th, just in time for the winter season. We understand the significance of keeping the community’s children warm, safe, and comfortable, and we are proud to contribute to this cause.


Community Commitment:

Our commitment to Kitigan Zibi goes beyond a single event. We believe in sustainable and ongoing support for the community, and that’s why we allocate 13% of our profits to this community that holds our hearts. With our owner’s roots in Kitigan Zibi, our commitment to giving back is a part of our very essence. We look forward to continuing our efforts to nurture the heart of Kitigan Zibi and to make it even stronger.



Medicine Wheel Natural Healing is more than just a business; it’s a heartfelt commitment to the community of Kitigan Zibi. Our owner’s roots in this community have inspired us to give back in meaningful ways, from distributing Halloween pumpkins to enrolling children for winter coats. With 13% of our profits dedicated to Kitigan Zibi, we are determined to create a positive impact in the community that means so much to us. Together, we can nurture the heart of Kitigan Zibi and make it even more vibrant and inclusive.

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